Must see your Linked-in Influencer Map

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Linked-In Influencer Map

My Influencer Map - to see yours click link below

Linked-in creates essentially a network of people you connect with and influence. In return, your network may influence your decisions. As a B2B tool this is fantastic way to see that you ‘as a brand’ are connected and influencing others organically.

You can see the way all your connections are related to each other? Identify the hubs between your professional careers?

Your map is color-coded to represent affiliations or groups from your professional career, such as your previous employer, college classmates, or industries you’ve worked in. In my InMap, my LinkedIn print colleagues are in dark blue, while my former colleagues at HP  are maroon and professional independents are in Tangerine. I connected with these key groups are unique times in my group and Linked-In does a great job pulling these together.

Big names represent contacts who are most influential and connected within that specific cluster or group. When you click on a contact within a circle you’ll see their profile pop up on the right, as well as lines highlighting how they’re connected to your connections.

My map is actually a view of how my professional world has been created over time. It helps to label each color and explore your connections to see who are the major connectors on your diagram. You can use those insights to measure your own impact or influence, or create opportunities for someone else.

Take some time visually exploring your network. You will enjoy this fascinating study on both influencers, connections and how they intersect and join

To access your  InMap, go to

Is Twitter Social Influence Real?

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Twitter MetricsOne of the key problems with Twitter is metrics. How can you really tell what is going on? Is the basic assumption of the total number of followers a real measure of influence? Are people truly being influenced by your posts?

I have to assume there is some influence but you cannot determine true social influence without a closed loop. A full closed loop is a click through, conversion and/or a buy metric. There is software permitting the closed loop but it is not built into the Twitter platform. If and when the closed loop analytics come into play with Twitter its got to be dead simple. Google has done a great job in providing a closed loop data with search. You can see the click through, see the visits to the site and determine conversions to leads or an eCommerce buy. Google’s pay per click and organic search model is not simple but does tell you the value of the searchers coming to your site.

The says “the number one most misleading metric for Twitter users is number of followers. People tout these numbers and claim ‘expertise’ based on them but in most cases there is no clear line to be drawn between number of followers and actual influence.”

Twitter has over 200 million accounts, and they are aggressively moving into other languages. It’s a great social service, growing at a steady rate over the next few years. In my view providing the key closed loop analytics is crucial for success in the marketing context.

Use research to market your small business on Facebook

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Small Business Facebook MarketingWe all have begun to understand marketing research through segmentation does not work. It does not predict what what social users purchase, because marketing segment research lacks information relating to group buying patterns. Within social media, group buying patterns occur when people see others buying and decide to purchase based on the influence by a power social user. According to Francois Gossieaux, one of the biggest problems with  classic market research is it assumes people make buying decisions on their own and does not compensate for the fact that most decisions are influenced by groups or tribes.

Gossieaux further explains, traditional market research and focus groups does not take into account people want to ‘keep up with the Joness’. Some may prefer a brand such as Lululemon Athletica vs a discount brand of similar quality and pay a higher price – because their local tribe or network they are part of prefers this brand. People will make up a socially acceptable story for the reason they bought the product or service after the purchasing decision, that can be vastly different then the original reason for purchasing the product. During a focus group they might evaluate based on a market framework vs a Social framework.

How can this apply to your brand or service? You may decide or opt in and focus your brand on a group or tribe rather than typical demographic characteristics. For example, rather than choose to market in Facebook using male /female  or age choices you can purchase paid ads by group or geographic area. You can measure your click through rate and conversions and recognize a new market and even pay lower pay per click marketing fees. Your firm can decide to join several relevant tribes or groups inside of Facebook to connect with interested parties based on the ‘paid’ real-time research you have conducted using the Pay per Click ads in Facebook.

Nobodies are the new somebodies.

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Guy Kawasaki

Entrepreneur and Author

I took this title from the Vancouver Sun writing on Guy Kawasaki’s visit  to the Internet Marketing Conference in Vancouver.

Guy says it’s no longer big business and media giants who determine whether or not a new service or product will succeed. It’s the unknowns, ordinary folks who have become the key influencers. And companies must remember that when they are trying to win people over to their ideas, products and services.

“I think marketing is completely reversed,” said Kawasaki. It used to be that companies sought favourable reviews from influential publications like Fortune and the Wall Street Journal but today’s consumers are more likely to be influenced by blogs or Twitter users they follow.

“The new way is that nobodies are the new somebodies,” said Kawasaki.
Instead of top down delivery, marketing happens from the bottom up, he said.
“Someone you’ve never heard of embraces your product, they love the product and they spread the word,” he said.
“You never know which mommy blogger is going to make your product successful.”

Developing trust is increasingly becoming a measure of someone’s credibility online, almost like a credit score. Kawasaki says “You can’t enchant people if you’re not trustworthy. And if you want people to trust you, you have to trust them. Companies like Zappos with its paid shipping return policy are an example of how trusting customers can pay off. Be a mensch, someone who can be trusted, who is honorable and has a world perspective — think Nelson Mandela if you’re looking for an example.”

In 2011 Social Influence Marketing will go through dramatic change


Social media continues to take huge strides. Not only do we see a dramatic time shift to Social Media but marketers are increasingly recommending ad money move to where the people are. In a recent campaign we saw one Social Media influencer bring over 1,300 registrants to a major retail site. Let me say that one more time, one person brought in over 1,300 registrants in a 2 month period with 2 posts – one on Facebook and the other on  Twitter.

People who have an established significant social networks will see the beginning of a pay-off in 2011. They will be noticed.  Social Media tracking software will begin to reveal Social Media rockstars and reveal their influence and impact on consumer brands.

With the addition of Twitter in Google search results or Google’s soon-to-be-released Social Search, social results will not be managed by Google’s infamous PageRank but by social influence and relevance to your social network. Discovering people that can help you to reach your desired consumer will become more effective and important.

Marketing is changing. Marketing agencies who recognize this impact will help their clients determine how to support growth with Social Media Influencers.

Stats prove Canadians love Social Media.

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Social Media Stats and Statistics in CanadaNearly 60% of internet users visit social networks monthly.

Canada has some of one of highest internet penetration and social networking usage rates. Social network users see social media as a hub for communication, entertainment and information.

“Canadians readily adopt at rates higher than users in the US, but gaining the trust of users on a social network is a brand manager’s biggest obstacle,” said Mike Froggatt, eMarketer research analyst and author.

By year’s end, Froggart estimates about 15.1 million internet users in Canada will have visited social networking sites at least monthly, up from 13.6 million in 2009. Penetration will rise from 59% of the internet audience this year to 68% by 2014.

“As internet users increase the time they spend on social networks, social media accounts for an increasing share of ad impressions,” said Froggatt. “Prices remain low because of abundant inventory, but increasing budgets and competition for inventory will drive prices up. As a result, now is the time for brand managers to test new social media campaigns on users.”

Brand Influencers: Media Channel vs Social Network

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Traditional Media Channels

Traditional Media Channels such as newspaper, television, radio, direct mail deliver both data and information. The information highlights a product/services plus price point or sale. For over a century now this information has changed us from rural based producers to city based consumers. The information delivered through traditional media is data driven, its delivered in tight short segments and is non-reciprocal. Reports generated by Neilson and other data collectors supplied TV and other channel rankings

Social Networks

Social networks differ in they typically deliver  knowledge not data or information. Knowledge is powerful. It provides, hints, examples, self-help, tips and other key elements of knowledge form a third party that is interested in providing authentic information collaboratively.

For example, a social network I have joined on Twitter speaks to all Apple product with a Canuck twist called @iPhoneinCanada

Brand Influence

Gary N. founder of @iPhoneinCanada is a brand influencer for Apple. He has developed trusted relationship with over 8,000 followers, he has growing inter-related web of followers and connections and has Social assets on Facebook, Linked-in and other Social Sites. If Apple wanted a key connection,  a platinum card carrying brand advocate – Gary has to be in the running (Gary – I hope you got a free iPhone 4). Gary has influence and is effectively shaping the landscape of the Apple brand in Canada.

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